"True allyship is a commitment to fight this fight for the long haul: long after it ceases to be a top-of-the-fold news item, long after the cameras have stopped capturing it. Not today, but tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade.”

Community Conversation

Starting Our Allyship Journey

The timing of this first newsletter feels perfect because Black History Month just ended, and part of the Ally Ring commitment is to ensure that the conversations and the actions that so often happen in February continue throughout the entire year.  So here we are to provide you the kind of information, support, encouragement and accountability that will help you be a more effective ally.

Now, you might be crouched in the gate, ready to spring into action, but wondering what’s the next step? Raise your hand if this is you…”What if I say the wrong thing and hurt someone? What if someone calls me racist? What if I can’t do anything to help?” Learning from my mistakes—and trust me there have been many—means that I’m growing, and we can’t afford our fears to stop us. 

So dig in! Learn from these curated resources that will grow you.

And finally, here are two important things to remember about The Ally Ring:

Reminder 1:  What the Ally Ring is NOT is a performative gesture.  I like to say it is not a magic ring, nobody becomes a better ally just by wearing it.  What the ring is, is a powerful reminder of the commitment we have made to being a more effective ally.  And as one of my most respected teachers taught me, our commitment is measured only by the actions we take, even if they are small actions, on a consistent basis.

Reminder 2:  I, and the Ally Ring team, are here with you as a fellow student.  Over the past four years I have dramatically increased my awareness about social justice issues, but the truth is that I was mostly able to do that because I knew so little to start with.  I still have a lot to learn, and I’m looking forward to being with you every step of the way on this journey of creating more unity and equality in the world.


Thank you again for being a part of this movement.  We are here to support you every step of the way. And please, share this newsletter with your friends. It is more fun together. And when it’s more fun—especially with this emotionally heavy content—we get more done. Who do you want to bring on the transformational journey with us?




Manifesto Article

Ending Racism: How to Change the World in One Generation

Justin Michael Williams

Thought racism can never end? Think again! Justin debunks the 5 major assumptions people make for why ending racism will take forever–or not at all!

3 minute Video

5 Tips For Being An Ally


Clear, funny, and direct, Chescaleigh is a famous YouTuber who takes complex racial concepts and makes them relatable and inspiring.