It's Time to Be a part of the solution...
and equality for all
Millions of open minded, positive people are more aware than ever before that we do not live in a world of equal opportunity and equal treatment for all. Unfortunately, most of them are not actively engaged in conversations about this issue because they do not know what to say or do to help.
We believe that these people, maybe you’re one of them, are the key to finally, once and for all, solving social justice problems. They’re good people, they want to be part of the solution, maybe they’ve tried to help before and it didn’t go well, so now they’re not doing anything, and very little changes.
Which is why we started the Ally Ring movement…

"While we have our eyes on the future,
history has its eyes on us."
- Amanda Gorman, January 14, 2021
1. Join the Movement
Become a member of the Ally Ring Community, surrounded by like-minded people who share your commitment to helping others.
None of us can solve social justice issues by ourselves or all at once, but when we all do our part, together we can absolutely make a massive difference.
2. Receive Support
This is the core of the work the Ally Ring team does - consistently supporting our community members with information, resources, and encouragement.
You are not alone, we are always here. Confidence comes from knowing you are part of a community committed to making the the world a better place.
3. Get Your Ring
As a community member you get a beautifully designed silicone ring that is a reminder of your commitment to being a more effective ally.
Think Live Strong Bracelet meets social justice... People will ask, "what's that ring?" and you will be ready with a clear and compelling response.
Our VISION: Living in unity
U-NI-TY (noun): The state of being united or joined as a whole
Our vision is for the people of the world to be living in unity. Genuinely understanding and caring about each other, making the interests of others as important as our own. Being open-minded about the many possible ways we can all work together and being fully committed to making the world a better place for everyone. With equal opportunity and treatment for all.
The path to that vision does not go directly from increased awareness to action. In fact, it’s that direct path that often gets us into trouble. Our team at Ally Ring is committed to supporting you in finding a better path from awareness to action, one that involves you taking the important and necessary steps that prepare you to engage in constructive conversations from a place of self awareness, knowledge, clarity and confidence. Together we can do this…
what the
ally ring is
Your Ally Ring is a powerful symbol to yourself and others of your commitment to unity and equality, a symbol of your membership in a powerful community of like-minded people who share your commitment, and a symbol of your willingness to engage in difficult conversations and take inspired action in order to be a more effective ally.
Wearing an Ally Ring is not intended to be a performative gesture. It is not a way to pretend to be a more effective ally or be a savior to marginalized people. The Ally Ring is not a magic ring – you will not become a more effective ally just by wearing it. When we learn what it means to be an effective ally and we take inspired action we see the difference we can make.
what the
ally ring is not
Ally Ring Board Member Justin Michael Williams and Founder Robert MacPhee discuss “Why Ally Ring?”
Ready to Get Started – Want to Learn More?
Let us know how to send you the free Ally Ring Starter Guide. This two-part document takes you through a powerful process to identify your highest values and align them with your desire to be a more effective ally.
The guide also introduces you you to three simple steps to keep in mind when you are confronted with an emotionally charged situation or conversation.

We are at a unique time in history. Awareness of very real issues of inequity and injustice are greater than ever, more people than ever before want to be part of the solution to the serious social justice issues we are faced with, but often they don’t know what to do or say to help.
In many cases people have tried to do better and their actions have faced resistance and/or backlash. It’s time to get this right. It’s time for people of privilege who are committed to unity and equality and are willing to learn and engage to become more effective allies, active parts of the solution, to step up.
We are the ones who have been missing in the conversation. We are the ones who can make a very real difference, who can finally make this happen. We are the ones who will create the tipping point that leads to massive change. And the Ally Ring team will be here to help us every step of the way.
Also welcome as part of this movement are BIPOC folks and members of other marginalized communities who welcome and encourage more effective allyship and believe that unity and equality are truly possible. We welcome you and want your feedback about the approach we are taking and the work we are doing here.